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yPilot Customer Input Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to yPilot's Customer Input Privacy Policy. This document outlines our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of Customer Input provided by Customers for the purpose of using our AI applications and services. Customer Input includes data such as check image data, financial transaction data, fraud detection data, or any other input data owned by the Customer and provided as input to yPilot software or services.

2. Definitions

  • Customer Input: Any data provided by Customers to the yPilot Software Services, including but not limited to check image data, financial transaction data, fraud detection data, or any other input data.
  • Customer: The customer or organization providing the data to yPilot.
  • yPilot Software Services: The suite of AI applications and services offered by yPilot to its Customers.

3. Data Collection

  • Purpose: Customer Input is collected for the sole purpose of enabling the functionality of yPilot's AI applications to analyze, process, and deliver insights based on the data provided.
  • Scope: Only data explicitly provided by the Customer for the use of yPilot Software Services will be collected.
4. Data Use

  • Processing: yPilot will process Customer Input strictly as necessary to deliver the agreed-upon services.
  • Confidentiality: All Customer Input will be treated as Confidential Information and will not be used for any purpose other than to provide the yPilot Software Services.
5. Data Protection

  • Security Measures: yPilot employs robust security measures, including data encryption, access controls, and secure data transfer protocols to protect Customer Input.
  • Access Controls: Only authorized personnel with a legitimate need will have access to Customer Input.
6. Data Ownership

  • Customer Ownership: Customers retain ownership and intellectual property rights to all Customer Input. yPilot claims no ownership over Customer Input.
  • License to Use: Customers grant yPilot a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to process Customer Input solely as necessary to provide the SaaS Services.

7. Data Sharing

  • No Third-Party Sharing: yPilot will not share Customer Input with third parties except as required by law or with the explicit consent of the Customer.
  • Compliance with Laws: yPilot will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding data privacy and protection.
8. Data Retention

  • Retention Period: By default, yPilot Software Services do not retain Customer Input. In the case that Customer Input will be retained by yPilot or yPilot partners and affiliates, it will only be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes of the Software Services or as required by law.
  • Data Deletion: Upon termination of the SaaS Agreement or at the request of the Customer, yPilot will delete or return all Customer Input as per the agreement terms.

9. Customer Responsibilities

  • Data Accuracy: Customers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and legality of the Customer Input provided.
  • Compliance: Customers must ensure that their collection, use, and provision of Customer Input to yPilot complies with all applicable laws and regulations.
10. Updates to this Policy

  • Notification: yPilot reserves the right to update this policy from time to time. Customers will be notified of any significant changes.
  • Effective Date: The effective date of this policy is May 15, 2024.
11. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact: